Hi,<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">2007/7/19, Rich Shepard <<a href="mailto:rshepard@appl-ecosys.com">rshepard@appl-ecosys.com</a>>:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
I've just replaced another distribution on my fiancee's ThinkPad 600E with<br>xubuntu-7.04. Everything is working nicely, except the wireless networking<br>(which worked flawlessly before).<br><br> The card is a Lucent Technologies WaveACCESS Gold PC24E-H-FC which uses
<br>the orinoco drivers.<br><br> The network is configured the same as for the wired connection (which<br>works just fine): same static IP address, netmask, gateway, routes, but 'the<br>network is unreachable.' I just installed linux-wlan-ng and now the link
<br>light on the card does not come on during system boot, but it did before<br>that package was installed. We need the wireless access so she can use the<br>laptop around the house without trailing a long cat5 cable around.
<br><br> On a related issue -- applicable to both wired and wireless networking --<br>every time the system boots, more and more nm-applet instances are started.<br>Each generates a warning message as it loads (because the wifi is not
<br>working), and the icons march right to left across the top icon bar. There<br>are more than 19 instances now, but that's all the room there is on the<br>screen; it pushes off the clock and quit button from the right end. How do I
<br>kill all but one instance, and keep it off?</blockquote><div><br>I can't help you with the rest, but I had this behaviour also. What I did ( and it worked for me) was: type "killall nm-applet". Logout the session with save session. Login. There should be no nm-applets any more. Now you can start one again ("nm-applet").
<br>If this does not work, you can remove all your session information: "rm .cache/sessions/xfce4-session-*". <br><br>I hope this helps and someone else can help you with the wireless.<br>Cheers, <br>Stefan<br></div>
<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;"> I had tried invoking it as 'nm-applet --sm-disable' but that makes no<br>difference. It's a PITA, and nothing I saw on the session management dialog
<br>box tabbed pages seemed to help.<br><br>TIA,<br><br>Rich<br><br>--<br>xubuntu-users mailing list<br><a href="mailto:xubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com">xubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com</a><br>Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
<a href="https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-users">https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-users</a><br></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>----------------------------------------------------------------------
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