Okey, i think we definately need *more* mirrors.<br><br>It'd be good, in a first time, to make a list of how many servers we want for each country / geographic area, and thus to make a list of current providers (then we can add *Country provider* as a name in the website's list - for instance it's important to write <a href="http://free.fr">free.fr</a> after France, the first reason being that the french won't try this one first as they'll know it to be slow. On a second hand, mirrors may want to be sponsored, thus we gotta write their names down :p).<br>
<br>For France itself, as its a country with a big community, I think we need at least 3 mirrors (don't forget the french + belgium + swiss + luxembourgeois + monégasques are probably above 70mil people now, so we do need mirrors). I'd also like to have one setup in Spain.<br>
<br>I'm willing, for these two countries, to try to find universitary mirrors. I think we can get one in Barcelona in Spain, with the help of the LoCo cataluna, esp. while at the UDS, since there should be university folks there. For France, I can begin with my own university / linux friends' universities / Ubuntu-friendly ones too.<br>
<br>Just a thought, but for Europe I think we should also have 2 in Netherlands, 1 in Poland, 1 in Romania, 1 in Hungary, 1 more in Sweden (or one in Norway ?), 1 in Estonia, 1 in Ukraine, 1 or 2 in Italia, 1 in Greece, 1 more in UK (one of the two doesnt answer) or in Eire, 2 more in Germany (80mil inhabitants), 1 in Turkey.<br>
<br>For Africa, Algeria/Tunisia/Morroco are where most of the users are. We could try to get one in the middle of Africa too, but I don't know if there is a demand there (though, the people there are more likely to go Xubuntu than Ubuntu, but do they know about FLOSS, dunno).<br>
<br>For the other regions, I really have no idea where are the people and were we should setup mirrors :/<br><br>Anyways I won't do anything without Cody's agreement, but I think we could also write a "typical" mirror request that we could use for these requests.<br>
<br>Cordially, SD.<br>