A side effect of making xubuntu-devel a member of xubuntu-team is that <a href="mailto:xubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com">xubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com</a> is now getting all the xubuntu-team bug mail, seed branch change notifications, etc. etc. This can either be a good thing or a bad thing.<br>
<br>If we keep it the way it is:<br><br>1. People can subscribe to this mailing list for development discussion and for bug e-mail (no need to join the xubuntu-team)<br>2. Xubuntu-team could be reserved for individual who are fulfilling a leadership role within our community<br>
3. Able to easily discuss bug reports and seed changes<br><br>Or we could either remove xubuntu-dev from xubuntu-team or remove the contact address (this mailing list) from xubuntu-dev.<br><br>Thoughts, comments, suggestions are welcome. <br>