Hello<br><br>IceWM was considered as an additional wm to install but nobody has stepped up to support and work on in during dapper.<br>Maybe for dapper+1 it will be available (same with fluxbox) if there are people willing to work on it.
<br>You are right that most lightweight distros are lighter then xubuntu, but this is the most that can be reasonably be achieved at this point<br>considering that we are based on ubuntu. Distros with the specific aim of being lightweight and having the freedom to do many more things
<br>to achieve this, will naturally be a better fit for old hw. Such things include compiling the distro with specific optimizations, including tweaked<br>packages, throwing out functionality which is unlikely to be needed etc. So there is a trade off between using something which is fast today
<br>on a 486 if it was fast 10 years ago on the same hw and having a distro with good maintenance and support such as ubuntu can provide.<br>It is indeed sad that mainstream software today is no more responsive than it was 10 years ago despite the advances in hw, but the performance
<br>penalties are spread over the whole stack and the existing hot spots are either hard to find or hard to fix. And this is a more boring job than adding features<br>so the trend is to use up all the resources the hw has to offer :(