Hello<br><br>an even better way is adding the line <br>/usr/bin/ivman -s --nofork &<br><br>in /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc somewhere before the xfce4-session section<br><br>this way all users will have it automatically started
<br><br>In /etc/ivman/IvmConfigActions.xml<br>change the konqueror section to this. Instead of thunar put xffm for now since you<br>probably don't have thunar installed.<br><br><!-- open konqueror --><br> <ivm:Match name="
hal.info.category" value="volume"><br> <ivm:Option name="exec" value="MOUNT=$hal.block.device$; thunar /media" /><br> </ivm:Match><br><br>This is a hack I'll have to figure out how to correctly map de device to the mountpoint so we open the right dir
<br>not just media.<br><br>Making all this the default is pending on getting my hands on ivman - I think kubuntu does not use it anymore,<br>and me getting upload access to main (so I don't bother others with sponsoring requests) and to a lesser degree
<br>on getting thunar synced from debian.<br><br>It is a priority for me too.<br><br>Jani