Trying to reach out for help

Yousuf Philips ypharis at
Wed May 27 22:48:07 UTC 2020

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the blog post, though it seems to have the same information to
what is found on our contribution page <>.
What I've found effective is to identify specific tasks that we'd like the
community to get involved in, like for example designing a new mouse icon
<>, translating the
installer slides <>,
or helping with the documentation rewriting, and then announcing it on
social media. If we can prepare these small bite-sized contributions from
our various main areas, we can then reel in those who do contribute to get
even more involved.

Artwork - do we have any particular tasks for the default icons or gtk
theme that we want done? I put out a call
<> two months ago for
new installer slide designs, but it seems nobody answered it and I should
likely put out another call.

Development - do we have any easyhacks (atleast that is what they called it
in LibreOffice) that we want devs to work on?

Documentation and Translation - I have this covered

Marketing and Website - I'm covering marketing and have been improving the
text on various pages on the website and will be working with Pasi on
various page content rewrites/redesigns, but regarding the wordpress,
should I put out a call for a wordpress theme redesign or for volunteers
who can do particular wordpress dev tasks

Quality Assurance - I've been doing some of this and reporting the bugs
upstream with xfce and shimmer, but what tasks do we want to point
contributors to for QA.


On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 6:54 PM Paul Sutton <zleap at> wrote:

> Hi
> I have made a blog post to try and promote where the project needs
> some help so we can try and get more testers / developers / doc
> writers etc.
> Hope this helps.
> Paul
> --
> Paul Sutton
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