Passing on some of my hats...
Pasi Lallinaho
pasi at
Mon Oct 14 10:57:54 UTC 2019
Since some time, I've been contributing far less to Xubuntu than I used
to before. A large part of the reason is simply life being more busy
than before and the rest is combination of other small things, all
slowly but steadily declining my activity in the project. While this is
mostly not for the lack of motivation, I've noticed the threshold to do
something has become bigger at the same time.
As an attempt to remedy this situation, I've made the conclusion that
it's probably best to pass on some of the responsibilities to other
people at least officially. At the same time, I do not close the
possibility of working with these things in the future. Finally, I hope
that passing these responsibilities along will increase my motivation to
work on the tasks I intend to keep working on.
Some of the responsibilities and tasks I've been working on and are now
looking for somebody else to continue are:
1) Website lead
For the content updating part, the code mentioned below handles most of
the hard work and is relatively self-explanatory to run.
For the code part, I know this is a relatively large task to tackle as
we've been gathering codebase during the years. All of the code is both
pretty much in a working state as well as in public repositories.
This also means I don't plan to work on getting the work items tracker
integrated with WordPress. I would also be happy to pass on the task of
running the current tracker to somebody else if the team still desires
to use the tracker. For the record, this wasn't set up for the 19.10
release at all.
2) Mailing list moderation and administration
This is one of the tasks that require the most constant attention. While
we have a decent amount of moderators for all of our lists, all of the
lists are moderated by me and Lyz. I would happily pass on my
co-administrator role to somebody else.
3) Twitter
Same story here: both myself and Lyz have been keeping an eye on these
(me probably slightly more here). I've tried (and often failed) to do
occasional lookarounds in our feed, retweet anything that is
interesting/positive feedback since the last login and once in a while,
actually tweeted something original.
Ultimately it is not just Twitter that would need more attention, it's
likely the whole Xubuntu social media.
4) Development server administration
I've not done much maintaining work with the server in ages and as I try
to avoid server maintaining generally in life, I'd rather steer away
from it even in Xubuntu ;) Additionally, Unit193 and Lyz are doing good
work with this, so I do not think we absolutely need a replacement here.
5) IRC operator
It's time. Unit193 is probably a better person to assess whether we need
more operators or not.
6) "This and that"
I've been involved with various projects (including marketing efforts
like the flyer as well as the installer slideshow) and steering their
direction when needed. I've also done some maintaining work for
Launchpad and what not.
In case you you notice a project that you've seen me working on and
would like to contribute, please be kind and brave enough to pick it up.
I will even help you get started if you mail me and dig up my archives
to see if I have any uncommitted material. I might be able to point you
to people who can help you get technical permissions are otherwise
knowledgeable about the projects.
Feel free to ask any questions about anything.
Pasi Lallinaho (knome) ›
Xubuntu Website Lead ›
Xfce contributor ›
Shimmer Project co-founder ›
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