[TEAM VOTE] Re: Xubuntu council nominations

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at shimmerproject.org
Fri May 17 06:56:56 UTC 2019


On 16.5.2019 12.46, Sean Davis wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> As there were no nominations received for the 3rd seat in the Xubuntu 
> Council, the current 2-person Xubuntu Council has asked former members 
> Simon Steinbeiss (ochosi) and Pasi Lallinaho (knome) if either of them 
> would be interested in the position. Simon has agreed to the nomination.
> We will now hold a team vote for Simon’s nomination. To participate in 
> this vote, you must be part of Xubuntu Team [1]. Please reply to this 
> list with +1 to approve, -1 to reject, or 0 to abstain.
> [1] https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-team
> Thanks!
> Sean
> On 4/25/19 8:05 PM, Unit 193 wrote:
>> Hash: SHA384
>> Howdy,
>> With the sad departure of Kev (flocculant), we are now down one 
>> person in the
>> Xubuntu council from the required three[0].  As such, for the next 
>> two weeks we're opening up nominations for Xubuntu team members[1] as 
>> the 3rd seat in the
>> Xubuntu council.
>> The nominations will close at midnight UTC on Saturday, May 11th, 
>> 2019[2].
>> On behalf of the Xubuntu council,
>>  Sean Davis, Unit 193
>> [0]: https://docs.xubuntu.org/contributor/C/xsd.html#idm792
>> [1]: https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-team/+members
>> [2]: 
>> https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Xubuntu+Council+Nominations&iso=20190511T00&p1=%3A&ah=1
>> wm+AHhKjCZ1PqAMaqmBtsA8xe7y0PN6UVc5vh9pLoZIL7/sp0zTe4l0XNAKAxjDi
>> St9LKNv5ibkG3DL5ZjKfD07auLF3qw1cne3lBVU7nQKpDnGsfcnVFEXaLyqxL93o
>> KRx/QlozBg+UgBNm8OsbZlQhPoko91oytdBzlFqN2RbiVMr/xlJ1dHjGrZWC69rx
>> 8tYDRq6T+4uK2Ke9bJpA5moHQMyeJRA1ChWSbIswauUykeR46aj2lyFfItH4nSm4
>> BYDi1pHTG8xtwcWCc89pyHPS+OqkkC9zVApWy9wG0ETvHEZ6R6Am4vcIIrz+wdMn
>> Lg/wzDlBKOm78GbzbJ35c5ms/lfbxjwhBmHn7VzeFPiGR6HLeibnQ05b9eNNchVe
>> DsjTOI+auldXUMGZ0lpHwaa15EH02JGYS59ObZ+VgT2zFIoO1ebb6alkTyY+icJw
>> GtDPkABwvYgaLMERN/vXn261RATNN5m0VRUJDY3doY3hCI5NgZui5KujDfuaZjUO
>> fhcHrkd/ffNkTgbiVv+ZPx0PsykhmaKs3ZAmV+EVnzV32MAedMTUgVyMvj+SJOFu
>> VfvZ2ijgthnW8dPjwlyg
>> =4rio
>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Pasi Lallinaho (knome)         › https://open.knome.fi/
Xubuntu Website Lead           › https://xubuntu.org/
Xfce contributor               › https://xfce.org/
Shimmer Project co-founder     › https://shimmerproject.org/

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