Repo issues in 16.04.5LTS

Lutz Andersohn landersohn at
Mon Apr 8 01:41:48 UTC 2019

I am wondering whether anybody else has these issues:
I did a fresh install of 16.04.5LTS.
updated my repositories
- I cannot install gimp. Broken packages because libgegl. It essentially
conflicts with its own libgegl-dev package
- I cannot install build-essential: conflict with the installed gcc and
libstdc6 and the -dev. There is no way to resolve these packages that I can
affects any package that even remotely depends on any of these.
I tried and with
the same sad outcome.
Some posts on for example askubuntu have been shown down as being not
Trust me, it's very reproducible for those effected by it and makes this
version basically useless for me.
For example,HPLIP requires build-essential, so I cannot even set up my

Any help would be appreciated (and I do not consider "upgrade to 18.04" any
help at all)

Lutz Andersohn
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