Team Vote - 32 Bit

flocculant flocculant at
Sun Dec 2 09:22:59 UTC 2018

On 24/11/2018 12:57, flocculant wrote:
> Moving forward with the 19.04 release we need, once again, to look at 
> 32 bit images.
> Given that we will no longer are able to upgrade 32 bit installs (this 
> started with the last release 18.10) and as discussed during the 
> meeting of the 23rd November,  I propose we stop releasing 32 bit from 
> now forward.
> To have a vote that counts you need to be in the Xubuntu Team [1]
> So, I am +1 to removing 32 bit from our images.
> Cheers
> Kev
> [1]
With 10 people in team. This passes with the 6 +1's we have.

For the record:

Kev (flocculant)

Simon (ochosi)

Pasi (knome)

David Pearson (axkwi-dave)

David Pires (slickymaster)

Sean (bluesabre)

all were +1.

No other votes were posted.



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