Xubuntu Council nominations are open

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at shimmerproject.org
Sat Apr 28 19:51:15 UTC 2018

Hello team and community!

First of all, congrats for a great release!

With the LTS release, it's also time to begin the process to elect a 
council for the project for the next two years [1]. Here's a cut from 
the Xubuntu Strategy Document, under the council membership section:

    The council consists of 3 members, who are chosen by a CIVS
    <http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/> vote. All members in the Xubuntu Team
    <https://launchpad.net/%7Exubuntu-team> and/or direct members of any
    moderated subteams can be nominated, either by themselves or anybody
    else in the Xubuntu community with the nominees consent. The same
    group of people is eligible to vote.

The nomination phase starts now. Please announce all nominations on this 
mailing list before Monday, May 14th, 2018. (This leaves two weeks for 
the nomination phase.) If you are about to nominate somebody else, 
please ask for their consent BEFORE sending a mail to this list.

Once the nomination phase is over, we will proceed to the voting phase 
(in case we have more than three nominees).

In case of any questions regarding the council election process, feel 
free to contact me either on this mailing list, directly via email or IRC.


[1] https://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/xsd.html#xsd-community-council

Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                   › https://open.knome.fi/
Xubuntu Website Lead & Council Member    › https://xubuntu.org/
Xfce contributor                         › https://xfce.org/
Shimmer Project co-founder               › https://shimmerproject.org/

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