Bionic Beaver 18.04 Release Candidate

flocculant flocculant at
Tue Apr 24 05:22:04 UTC 2018

On 22/04/18 07:28, flocculant wrote:
> We've almost got to the end of yet another 6 month cycle.
> On the iso tracker now we have our release candidates available for 
> testing, it's entirely likely that over the next few days we'll see 
> the iso's respun by the Canonical Release Team as late landing 
> critical issues are found and dealt with.
> So - please pick your iso from the 64 and 32 bit options on the 
> tracker   and test it and report it.
> Thanks for testing during the cycle for everyone involved in getting 
> Xubuntu out of the door and for those about to install after all the 
> hard work.
> Cheers
> Kev
Unsurprisingly we had a respin.

If you've not got around to testing then have a go for the rest of the 



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