Xubuntu Testing - IRC Session

flocculant flocculant at gmx.co.uk
Wed May 3 20:33:00 UTC 2017

On 28/04/17 19:38, flocculant wrote:
> Bumping this - will decide on date on the 5th May
> On 21/04/17 17:46, flocculant wrote:
>> It's some time since we last thought about running a session on IRC 
>> for new testers and how we use the development versions.
>> We plan to try and run one early in this new Artful cycle, if you are 
>> interested please pop along to the doodle poll and register your 
>> interest against the options there [1]
>> We're not sure of the way we'll run the session - that likely depends 
>> to some degree on how many people are expected.
>> We will cover at the least, multi-booting, the Xubuntu PPA's, running 
>> the development release as your main system, bug reporting and when 
>> to do it, where you can get close to real-time information on major 
>> breakages if they occur.
>> regards
>> Kev
>> [1] http://doodle.com/poll/5nkgh7nr7hi2v4h2

Closed poll early.

Session will run (assuming people show up) on:

Friday 12th May @19:00 UTC [1]




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