Xubuntu Testing - IRC Session

flocculant flocculant at gmx.co.uk
Fri Apr 21 16:46:29 UTC 2017

It's some time since we last thought about running a session on IRC for 
new testers and how we use the development versions.

We plan to try and run one early in this new Artful cycle, if you are 
interested please pop along to the doodle poll and register your 
interest against the options there [1]

We're not sure of the way we'll run the session - that likely depends to 
some degree on how many people are expected.

We will cover at the least, multi-booting, the Xubuntu PPA's, running 
the development release as your main system, bug reporting and when to 
do it, where you can get close to real-time information on major 
breakages if they occur.



[1] http://doodle.com/poll/5nkgh7nr7hi2v4h2

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