Article series: Ask Us Anything

Willem Hobers whobers at
Fri Sep 2 17:11:11 UTC 2016

As one of the lurkers I'd be interested to ask questions :-)

Questions I could come up with would be:

1- Why are you involved in Xubuntu Development?
2- Why Xubuntu and not <xyz>?
3- What's your greatest frustration in this Xubuntu-business?
4- What keeps you going in spite of 3?
5- What is the greater challenge? A) Getting people to know about 
Xubuntu B) Getting people to use Xubuntu? C) Getting people to Test 
Xubuntu? D) Getting people to code for Xubuntu? E) Getting people to 
design for Xubuntu F) keeping up good relations with 
up-stream/downstream people?
6- What's Xubuntu's default wall paper going to look like in A) 2 B) 4 
C) 8 D) 16 year's time?
7- A) Shakespeare or B) Kafka? (Only one correct answer of course)
8- Why smoothies? Why?


Op 29-08-16 om 02:10 schreef Pasi Lallinaho:
> Hello,
> during a marketing sprint with Lyz today, we discussed a potential new
> kinf of article series for the website – one that would both keep the
> content flowing and add a bit of "human" to the mix.
> I'm sure many of you know the Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) threads. If
> not, they are threads where the public (eg. anybody) can send their
> questions and at a specified time, a celebrity (in the most various
> meanings of the word) answers (some of) the questions sent.
> Our idea is to set up something similar, but instead of putting one of
> us to the spotlight, the team would be answering the questions as they
> best see fit – eg. artwork people should likely answer artwork-related
> questions etc. Along with questions sent specifically for this purpose,
> we could peruse the many questions asked on the IRC channels (and more).
> This way we would likely be able to gather enough questions for a nice
> article once a month or two.
> It would be also completely fine to accept and answer silly questions
> like "Pie or cake?" This would bring the "human" side of the team up
> even more. (Silly answers like "Smoothie" would also be accepted.)
> Team members, what do you feel about something like this?
> Other lurkers, would you be interested/excited to send questions and
> read articles like this?
> Cheers,
> Pasi

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