Gnome Software Center

Adam Eveleigh adam1eveleigh at
Sat May 21 21:13:32 UTC 2016


Apologies if I seemed too forceful. I think Xubuntu needs to be as accessible to new users as possible. If people want to learn other ways to install packages and if they want more functionality - they can find it. The beauty of FLOSS is its choice. Of course you can disagree with the way GNOME does things (indeed, you may find people who agree here, Xubuntu isn't Ubuntu GNOME!), but I think GSC is the best default for Xubuntu - for now, at least.

Thank you for your thoughts!

Kind regards,

On 21 May 2016, at 13:00, xubuntu-devel-request at wrote:

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Gnome Software Center (odm)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 20 May 2016 14:25:35 -0400
From: odm <odm at>
To: xubuntu-devel at
Subject: Re: Gnome Software Center
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Hi folks.

I am only a very casual user. (I don't even know how to respond properly in this mailing list). If a mandate of Xubuntu is to Windows-ease its' functionality for new converts then, let it be so. I have never used anything other than Linux so, maybe I don't understand the attraction of not keeping the functionality and freedom of learning Floss with and all its' potential, readily apparent.

I guess my bias has been exposed with what Gnome is doing. Not, only them of course.

Thank you, for sharing.

Kind Regards!


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: xubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 128, Issue 16
Local Time: May 20, 2016 6:16 AM
UTC Time: May 20, 2016 12:16 PM
From: xubuntu-devel-request at
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Today's Topics:

1. Re: Gnome Software Center (Florian Coste)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 20 May 2016 14:16:14 +0200
From: Florian Coste <fcoste21 at>
To: Xubuntu Development Discussion <xubuntu-devel at>
Subject: Re: Gnome Software Center
<CAG6GV_V+JK=waoC_mfnPbd_rjQ5bFjzg7j0y5kTKynOJ2wYv-w at>
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Hi odm,

Although I don't use GSC, if Xubuntu users are savvy, it's still possible
for them to uninstall GSC if they don't need it. The contrary isn't
necessary true.

my two cents

2016-05-20 11:24 GMT+02:00 Adam Eveleigh <adam1eveleigh at>:

> Hi odm,
> I'm afraid I completely oppose this suggestion. I'm only a user, not a
> developer, but doesn't Xubuntu need to be as open to new users (from
> Windows and OS X, in particular) as possible? We don't want to raise the
> barrier to entry for them by requiring them to learn how to use more
> sophisticated/advanced package managing software like Synaptic. I think
> GNOME Software is *far* more friendly for first-time users than Synaptic.
> It's also a big improvement on USC so we can't go back to that either, and
> there aren't many other options in the way of user-friendly open-source
> software centers out there (I hear of AppGrid a bit, but that's not
> open-source; and there's Muon but we don't really want to drag in lots of
> KDE dependencies either, and GNOME is closer-related to Xfce since it uses
> GTK rather than Qt, though that wouldn't stop me supporting the use of
> Ubuntu Next apps in the future, if they're good enough).
> So even if you oppose the 'dumbing-down' philosophy of GNOME (3), then
> GNOME Software is the best software center we can use, really, for the
> sake of user-friendliness. But personally I object to your opposition of
> GNOME's philosophy, sometimes apps need to be simplified, otherwise they
> would eventually all end up like KDEs apps: hyper-complicated and
> potentially confusing for new users.
> If we want to attract more users from Windows and OS X then we need to
> ensure that Xubuntu is as user-friendly, and stable, as possible. I
> believe that this includes sticking with GNOME Software.
> Regards,
> Adam Eveleigh
> >Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 19:47:56 -0400
> >From: odm <odm at>
> >To: "xubuntu-devel at" <xubuntu-devel at>
> >Subject: RE: Gnome Software Center.
> >Message-ID:
> ><GgfIYKDAFXt9HPo-XCliMRuXgJ8Zk-taSOvbAvgWAbbmheJ-BaiSJGyXlE7DXaJ5kyAncxeaPaFpmazQDFcU_w==@
> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> >What is Xubuntu's stand on including it now? Do we have to follow what
> Ubuntu feels is needed for its' user base? Many people like Xubuntu for
> its' hx. of working code. I liked nautilus until it got dumbed-down, except
> for it wanting to draw the desktop in Xubuntu but, that could be worked
> around. I think gnome-disks worked well for people until, it was
> dumbed-down too. Now are we going to see similar from GSC?
> >I think for the most part, Xubuntu users are savvy enough to know they
> can install GSC if they want. We have cli like dpkg, apt-get and the coming
> apt, aptitude and of course for gui Synaptic. I would like to see Xubuntu
> break tradition and, not follow Ubuntu and have Synaptic included as the
> gui for app installation in Xubuntu .iso
> >What say?
> >mikodo
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