New to this list-introduction

Pontus Falk pfalk at
Tue Mar 8 03:44:18 UTC 2016

Good morning (or whatever depending on where you are),

I'm new to this list a here is a short introduction of myself :-)

My name is Pontus and I've been using Linux since Red Hat 7.2. When Red
Hat formed the Fedora project I moved on to Slackware. I still run a
server at local amateur radio club using Slackware. I coordinated the
Swedish branch of AMPRNet (44.140/16) for about a decade and for the
AMPRNet infrastructure I used several Slackware servers located at The
Royal Institute of Technology, KTH (

I finally took the step to leave the Wintendo world about four years ago
at home (at work I still have to use the O/S from Micro$oft). I started
using Ubuntu but shifted to Xubuntu about three months ago - yes, I'm
very frustrated about the connection from Ubuntu to Amazon :-)

In social media you mainly find me on Twitter,, tweeting about Amateur Radio,the use of
GnuPG and other subjects.

My profession is maybe a bit far from the most typical Linux user - I
work as a hotel manager. Since 1986 I've been a licensed radio amateur
holding the call sign SM0RUX.

In case you think I can contribute to Xubuntu, just let me know - I
start to think it's "pay back time" after using Linux for about 15
years. As a rookie on the contribution stage it's kind of hard to know
where to start :-)

Have a great day!
Med vänliga hälsningar / Best regards

*Pontus Falk*
Hovstagränd 11

Mobile: +46 760 275545
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