[TEAM VOTE] Xubuntu Council

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at shimmerproject.org
Fri Jul 29 20:17:23 UTC 2016

Naturally, a +1 from me.

Xubuntu team member :P

On 2016-07-29 23:15, flocculant wrote:
> Can you please +1/0/-1 the changes to the Strategy Document relating 
> to the change from Xubuntu Project Lead to Xubuntu Council [1]
> _As with all Team votes - only votes by members of Xubuntu Team[2] 
> will be counted._
> The change removes completely the section relating to Xubuntu Project 
> Lead and is replaced with the following:
>     The Xubuntu Council (later: council) is responsible for overseeing
>     the development direction of Xubuntu and enablingthe community to
>     work withXubuntu as smoothly as possible. The council serves a
>     term of four releases/two years at a time, ending with an LTS
>     release to allow long-term planning.
>     The xubuntu-council Launchpad team consists of the council
>     members. The xubuntu-council team is the administrator for all
>     other Xubuntu Launchpad teams, giving the council full
>     administration access for the Xubuntu teams.
>     *Membership*
>     The council consists of 3 members, who are chosenby a _CIVS_vote.
>     All members in the _Xubuntu team_and/or direct members of any
>     _moderated subteams_can be nominated, either by themselves or
>     anybody else in the Xubuntu community with the nominees consent.
>     The same group of people is eligible to vote.
>     If a council member becomes inactive for 6 months, the member
>     shall be replaced by a new council member for the remainder of
>     their term, elected by a new CIVS vote.
>     The council will decide on a chair for the whole council term. The
>     chair will act as the official point of contact for Xubuntu.
>     *Council operation*
>     The council is expected to take action or respond to any issue
>     raised within 2 weeks. If appropriate and fair, the first action
>     can be postponement.
>     If at any time amajority of the Xubuntu team considers the actions
>     of the council harmful for the project, the issue at hand should
>     be raised to the council for reconsideration. If a resolution
>     can't be found, the council should consult the the Ubuntu
>     Community Council and other appropriate Ubuntu community teams.
>     Similarly, if the council can't reach a consensus even after
>     consulting the Xubuntu team, they should consult the Ubuntu
>     Community Council and other appropriate Ubuntu community teams.
> regards
> Kev
> [1] https://code.launchpad.net/~flocculant/xubuntu-docs/xpl/+merge/301287
> [2] https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-team/+members#active

Pasi Lallinaho (knome)       › http://open.knome.fi/
Leader of Shimmer Project    › http://shimmerproject.org/
Xubuntu Website Lead         › http://xubuntu.org/

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