Fwd: Re: Xubuntu council draft proposal - for review

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at shimmerproject.org
Fri Jul 22 20:14:05 UTC 2016

For information - the reply from CC to the council draft.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Xubuntu council draft proposal - for review
Date: 	Fri, 22 Jul 2016 12:56:16 -0400
From: 	Michael Hall <mhall119 at ubuntu.com>
Reply-To: 	mhall119 at ubuntu.com
Organization: 	Ubuntu
To: 	Pasi Lallinaho <pasi at shimmerproject.org>, 
community-council at lists.ubuntu.com
CC: 	Kev / flocculant <flocculant at gmx.co.uk>

After reviewing the proposed change and discussion within the Community
Council, we agree that this is a good change for Xubuntu and it's
community, and approve of the changes detailed below.

If you need any assistance from the CC in implementing these change,
please let us know.

Michael Hall (on behalf of the CC)
mhall119 at ubuntu.com

On 06/23/2016 05:41 PM, Pasi Lallinaho wrote:
> Hello Community Council (CC: Kev),
> Xubuntu has found it increasingly hard to continue with the current
> leadership structure (Xubuntu Project Lead[1], being asingle leader for
> the project).Because of this, we have been looking again at the
> possibility ofmoving to a council rather than using a single person lead
> model.Given the requirements of the role and general agreement that the
> council approach is the best choice for the project at this time, we
> started working on a draft proposal for the council and have not seeked
> for a new project lead. Consequently, we will shortly be leaderless
> (technically, we only have an incumbent project lead currently).
> The latest draft proposal (and some quick notes) can be found at the end
> of this email.
> We're planningto startformulating the necessary changes toour Strategy
> Document [2] shortly,but beforedoingthat, wanted to bring this to you in
> your position of responsibility to the Ubuntu community for your
> comments and approval.The finalrewording willbe subject to Xubuntu
> Team[3] (the Launchpadteam with voting rights within Xubuntu)
> approvaland another quick review by the CCprior to it going live.
> We anticipate that we will have completed this change during the current
> (16.10) development cycle in order that we can move forward.
> If you have any questions, please be in touchwith either of usand we
> will happily assist and give more information as requested - either via
> email or IRC.
> On behalf of the Xubuntu team
> Writers of the draft proposal
> Pasi (knome) and Kev (flocculant)
> [1]
> <https://launchpad.net/%7Exubuntu-project-lead>https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-project-lead
> [2]
> <http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/xsd.html>http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/xsd.html
> [3]
> <https://launchpad.net/%7Exubuntu-team/+members>https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-team/+members
> == Draft proposal ==
> – The Xubuntu Council (later: council) will replace the Xubuntu Project
> Lead (later: XPL) position.
> – A council term is 2 years, always ending after an LTS release to allow
> long-term planning.
> – The council will consist of 3 members.
> – The members will be elected based on a CIVS [1] vote.
> – Anybody who is a member of the Xubuntu team [2] or a *direct* member
> of any of the moderated subteams [3] can nominate themselves, or be
> nominated by someone else with the candidates agreement.
> – Everybody who is member of the Xubuntu team [2] and/or a *direct*
> member of any of the moderated subteams [3] can vote.
> – If a council member goes missing in action for 6 months, they should
> be replaced by a new vote.
> – If a new council member is elected mid-term, their term will still end
> after the next LTS release.
> – The council will decide on a chair whose term will last for the whole
> council term.
> – The chair will act as the official point of contact for Xubuntu.
> – If the council chair wishes to relinquish chair, a new chair is chosen
> as members (see above).
> – The council is expected to take action,or respondto any issue within 2
> weeks; if appropriate and fair, the first action can be postponement.
> – If the council fails toreach consensus on an issue, the Ubuntu
> Community Council acts as the final arbiter.
> [1] http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/
> [2] ~xubuntu-team on Launchpad
> [3] ~xubuntu-release, ~xubuntu-dev, ~xubuntu-art, ~xubuntu-website,
> ~xubuntu-qa, ~xubuntu-doc on Launchpad
> == Notes ==
> Note that while the proposal only allows people in moderated teams to be
> nominated and vote, those moderated teams are open to anyone to join -
> via sustained contributions to the project - the Xubuntu team does not
> intend to shut anyone out from decision making as long as they contribute.
> As an example of the above, the QA team (~xubuntu-qa) was set up for
> these kinds of social reasons; the team expects people from the testers
> team (~xubuntu-testers) to be approved to the QA team once they have
> shown sustained/substantial contributions.
> In the same spirit, we're already discussing the possibility to set up
> other teams that have a similar social aspect.
> --
> Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                » http://open.knome.fi/
> Leader of the Shimmer Project         » http://shimmerproject.org/
> Ubuntu member, Xubuntu Website lead   » http://xubuntu.org/

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