Notes for 16.04

Joan Advincula mj.advincula at
Sat Apr 30 06:30:24 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I'm not really sure where to put send this so I thought this might be
a good place.

Here are some notes I've made on my 16.04 installation. Lots of things
are very different and it makes the Xubuntu experience unfamiliar. My
previous Xubuntu was 14.04.

* when the row size of the panel goes beyond 26, the icon for the
battery in the darker theme turns green, which doesn't fit in well
with the rest of the items in the panel
* confirmation dialogs look wrong in some apps, screenshots attached
* thunar crashes a lot, esp. cut-paste
* screen lock kills a lot, previously, audio continues
* banshee, import not working, makes the whole thing not respond
* vlc, can't recognize special characters anymore, i.e. Show
containing directory to a folder with "é" brings up a "Directory not
found error"

These notes are really just a list but I thought they might be useful.


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