Final Beta
flocculant at
flocculant at
Tue Sep 22 19:24:49 UTC 2015
The first image available for Final Beta testing should be available
shortly at the tracker for testing [1]
Due for release on Thursday 24th - we need to test this image for
installs and upgrades.
Probably the most important of the pre-release milestones. This is the
penultimate opportunity for testing what we'll be releasing at the end
of October, anything found during the RC test phase (unless it's going
to cause a non-release) is rather too late.
So please roll up your sleeves - grab yourself an image or two and test
for all of us.
While people might not think that reporting to the tracker has any
importance - it does.
If it ever gets to the state that we only have a /few/people reporting,
prior to us releasing for /many/people to download it, we would be in an
rather unenviable position.
While the team involved in getting our image in a position for release
is motivated and committed to doing so, we are also perhaps too 'close'
to see all the bugs, we are totally reliant on users and those of you in
our testers LP group to test for us. Even if the whole of Xubuntu Team
ran the dev version for a whole cycle - we would only see a few bugs
compared to more of us all (users and team) doing so.
What you see now is in the main what will be seen in that LTS release -
so if it's not working properly now, then unless we know - it's not
going to be working then.
I'll repeat the bug tagging request we have made recently - please tag
bugs (for applications) as *xubuntu-exp wily*
Bear in mind that in effect the last few regular releases since 14.04
have all been leading up to the next LTS - the cycle after this.
So, effectively what we are asking for you to do now - is to treat this
as an early test for the XX cycle.
While we would hate to do it, if reported tests on the trackers is
really low we would have no real option left but to not mark as ready on
the tracker - marking as ready is the first stage in releasing the
image. Without that release doesn't happen.
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