Call for translators - Ubiquity slideshow for Xubuntu

David Pires slickymaster at
Fri Mar 13 11:02:34 UTC 2015

Hi everyone.

Like it was stated at the beginning of the cycle [1], the Ubiquity
slideshow for Xubuntu would only be available for translating once changes
to its content were made and uploaded, which would likely happen towards
the end of the cycle.

That time as finally arrived and I'm pleased to say that the Xubuntu
installer slideshow, the package responsible for greeting the user when
they start installing Xubuntu has been uploaded and ready to be translated

If you've never contributed a translation before and your native language
is not English but you have really good English skills and are comfortable
using software in English, you can make a huge contribution by helping to
translate the Xubuntu applications into your native language.

Before you start translating, and besides recommending everyone to join the
Ubuntu-translators mailing list [2] to keep up with notifications about
important translation template updates and to stay in touch with other
Ubuntu translators, *I want to emphasize the fact that we strongly ask you
to have a thorough read of the Xubuntu Translation Guidelines [3] wiki
page, which outlines our guidelines and conventions*.

David Pires (slickymaster)
Xubuntu Documentation Lead

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