15.10 Default Applications Voting Results

David Bermúdez Guiot davidb.guiot at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 12:35:15 UTC 2015

Maybe the official twitter account of Xubuntu could share this decision,
given that is a huge change on its shipping content, and its something that
has been discussed a couple of times. Besides that way you guys could
measure the impact of such decisions on the broad public.

David Bermúdez Guiot
Xalapa, Veracruz, México.
Gmail Service Powered by Android
El abr 15, 2015 7:30 AM, "Simon Steinbeiß" <simon at xfce.org> escribió:

> On Wed, 15 Apr 2015 07:23:19 -0500
> David Bermúdez Guiot <davidb.guiot at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Can I announce this on my twitter account or am I violating a
> > confidentiality agreement?
> This list (and everything discussed here) is public, so there is no
> "confidentiality agreement". In fact, we're striving to be as open and
> transparent as possible, hence all the additional explanations in my email
> as opposed to a simple announcement of the results.
> So yeah, you can tweet information like this. I'd like to add though that
> I'm not a huge fan of hyping these choices too much. We're trying our best
> to chose wisely, but oftentimes individual (or even groups of) users might
> disagree and that gives rise to discussions that are not always
> constructive/productive.
> Cheers
> Simon
> --
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