xubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 102, Issue 29

Adam Eveleigh adam1eveleigh at gmail.com
Mon Mar 24 18:53:41 UTC 2014

Also Paul, Linux Mint is the distribution that takes 4 customizable
desktops including Xfce and forces them into the Windows desktop metaphor -
Ubuntu tends to just take the upstream. It's slightly less friendly to
Windows users but as an ex-Windows user myself - I think it's a good thing.

The Windows desktop metaphor is horribly outdated, the mouse travel
required to close an app and open a new one is the biggest distance
possible (top-right to bottom-left) even though it is one of the most
commonly done tasks with the desktop environment.

Unity does a great job of changing this and reducing mouse travel where
possible while still being good to look at and user-friendly - Xfce's
default positioning also helps people to get out of the 'everything must be
like Windows' mindset.
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