
Richard Elkins richard.elkins at
Mon Jan 20 20:13:10 UTC 2014

Wow, that was a bit wacky at the first go with the dist-upgrade on
2014-01-16 (last Thursday).  Kernel 3.13.0-3 and other stuff caused some
weird mischief (E.g. made suspend to RAM fail). 

However, all of the annoyances seem to have been fixed on 2014-01-19
(yesterday, including an update to Kernel 3.13.0-4).  (-: 

All's well that ends well.  My very weird Intel Atom Cedar View/Trail
rig is running smoothly on 14.04.yesterday with kernel graphics
gma500_gfx and X modesetting. Suspend to RAM is back to perfection too!

On 01/19/2014 04:51 AM, Elfy wrote:
> Hot on the heels of the recent package testing call comes one for an
> image milestone test.
> Next week we'll have Alpha2 available for testing - this is just a bit
> of warning it's on it's way.
> There is at least one known issue -
> The Alpha 2 testcases and images will be here once it is live next
> week
> regards
> Elfy

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