Hello Everyone!

Sean Davis smd.seandavis at gmail.com
Wed Apr 30 01:59:42 UTC 2014

Welcome Eric!

Find a bug and go for it!  :-)  Join us on #xubuntu-devel

Also, relevant link: http://xubuntu.org/contribute

Sean (bluesabre)

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Paul Sutton <zleap at zleap.net> wrote:
> On 29/04/14 18:59, Eric Hagman wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> My name is Eric Hagman. I am 22 years old and am from the East Coast 
>> of the United States. I love the direction that Xubuntu has been 
>> going and as of 14.04 have made it my main OS.
>> I would love to get involved with development so I am just 
>> introducing myself to everyone. I am a back-end and front-end web 
>> developer by day but have a passion for software engineering as well.
>> As far as languages for development go, I am proficient in C/C++ and 
>> Python but if you want to know more about my knowledge with Node.js, 
>> Perl, Go, etc, feel free to ask!
>> I would love to start out by just fixing some bugs and getting the 
>> hang of being a part of an open source project like this. Excited to 
>> be hopefully be a part of the team!
>> Sincerely,
>> Eric Hagman
> Welcome aboard
> Paul
> -- 
> http://www.zleap.net
> @zleap14
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