Upgrading from 13.10 to 14.04

Richard Elkins richard.elkins at gmail.com
Fri Apr 18 15:20:12 UTC 2014

Straight-forward recipe that has been already tested (13.10 > 14.04) and
just verified today again after the release:

 1. First, back up all significant data (E.g. to a thumb drive) - just
    in case.
 2. If the system has prompted you automatically to upgrade to 14.04, go
    for it - skip to step 7 or 8 - whichever dialog appears.
 3. Menu > Settings Manager > [System] > Software Updater.
 4. Bring 13.10 up-to-date.
 5. Reboot if a new kernel was installed (you'll be prompted).
 6. Menu > Settings Manager > [System] > Software Updater.
 7. There should be a button labeled "Upgrade...".  Click on it.
 8. When you see the "Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04 'Trusty Tahr'" dialog,
    click on the "Upgrade" button.
 9. When you see the "Do you want to start the upgrade?" dialog, click
    on the "Start Upgrade" button.
10. Go for a nice healthy walk.  I forgot how long it took but all good
    things need time, yes?

The download portion for me (13.10 > 14.04) fetched 1,313 package
files.  The actual elapsed time is a function of computer resources and
network band-width.

You may see a warning about "Configuring libc6" and xscreensaver in the
middle of the updates - I do every time.  I would click "Forward".  This
has never had an issue for me nor the folks that I have supported with
installing/upgrading Xubuntu. I need to write a minor bug report about this.

If you added 3rd party software sources, they will still be there but
disabled.  Once you have finished the migration, you can theoretically
turn them back on using the "Other Software" tab of the "Software and
Updates" application (adjacent to "Software Updater" under Settings >
[System]).  I say theoretically because it really depends on the nature
of the 3rd party source.

Best wishes,


On 04/18/2014 09:16 AM, dh wrote:
> I would like to upgrade to the new Xubuntu 14.04 version that has been released.
> I am a newcomer to Ubuntu and Xubuntu and don't know many procedures yet, so please help me out.
> I want to upgrade from Xubuntu 13.10 to  Xubuntu 14.04, without destroying or moving a lot of code in /usr/src, etc.
> Can apt-get be used for the op-sys upgrade without destroying my current data in /home/uername ?
> Please advise.
> Thank you.

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