Many broken PCs, no more linux for me

Jimmy Sjölund jimmy at
Thu Apr 17 10:36:52 UTC 2014

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Brian J Slease <javacat53 at>wrote:

>  Jackson
> Why are you 'blaming' Linux on your broken laptop.  I know you don't know
> me well but I'm just curious what caused the 'breakage'?  I hope you return
> to Linux down the road, I believe it's still better than windows in many
> ways.  Anyway take care and hope to see you again/
> Brian aka 'starrats' on freenode.
> On 04/17/2014 05:08 AM, Jackson Doak wrote:
>  I'm going to be operating in a very limited capacity for the next few
> weeks (or months). My main linux laptop has finally broken for good, and my
> dev pc is stil a long time off functioning. All my other stuff is windows,
> and can't really be changed from that. If i'm needed for anything, please
> email me.
> Jackson
>  Brian,

Jackson is part of the Xubuntu team and I'm quite sure he's not blaming
Linux for breaking the laptop, in fact I can't see anything related to that
in the email. I would suppose it was natural causes. Or like in my case, I
dropped it on the floor causing it never to start again, no matter what OS
I was hoping for. ;)

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