Upgrade Testing - "could not install upgrades"

Richard Elkins richard.elkins at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 16:59:42 UTC 2014


How did you upgrade: `update-manager -d` or booting an ISO image and
select the upgrade option?  Please specify which method.
What hardware are you using?
Were you testing against actual hardware or in a virtual box?

Outline for upgrade using update-manager against 13.10:
1 - Do a ground-up install of 13.10 from CD or thumb-drive to the
HDD/SSD or use a virtual box item (less disruptive).
2 - Bring 13.10 installation up-to-date.
3 - In a terminal window, start `update-manager -d`.
4 - After a long update-manager run, did it work or did you see
failure?  If failure, report it against update-manager.

Outline for upgrade using 14.04 ISO image against 13.10:
1 - Do a ground-up install of 13.10 from CD or thumb-drive to the
HDD/SSD or use a virtual box item (less disruptive).
2 - Bring 13.10 installation up-to-date.
3 - Boot the 14.04 ISO image and perform an upgrade of the existing
13.10 installation.
4 - When complete, did it work or did you see failure?  If failure,
report it against ubiquity.

The 2 outlines for upgrading 12.04.xx are essentially the same.

I did both methods (update-manager and ubiquity/ISO) and had no issues
with starting with 12.04.xx or 13.10.


On 04/09/2014 09:29 AM, Alejandro Méndez A. wrote:
> Hi,
> I've tried to update from 13.10 to contribute but I haven't had
> Tiago's luck. I've had some errors regarding gnumeric, xscreensaver,
> libc6.
> Then another error said Could not install the upgrades
> The upgrade has aborted. Your system could be in an unusable state. A
> recovery will run now (dpkg --configure -a)
> I press closed and immediately another message said that the update
> was complete but there were errors. I restarted and the lock screen
> have changed to the 14.04 one, then I got an error to report.
> Now the machine works but the Xubuntu menu is the same as 13.10 and so
> far I haven't found any other problem.
> How could I finish the upgrade. It didn't finish it completed three
> quarters only.
> Thank you.
> 2014-04-09 16:20 GMT+02:00 Elfy <ub.untu at btinternet.com
> <mailto:ub.untu at btinternet.com>>:
>     On 09/04/14 14:55, Tiago Ribeiro wrote:
>>     You welcome, Bruno. I just want to help :)
>>     And yes. I did the proper report in the path you gave me and with
>>     the machine specs.
>>     Regards,
>>     Tiago Ribeiro
>     Thank you :)
>     Elfy
>     -- 
>     Ubuntu Forum Council Member
>     Xubuntu QA Lead
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>     xubuntu-devel mailing list
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> -- 
> ? ????

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