Final Beta for the Saucy Cycle

Shuhao shuhao at
Wed Sep 25 06:21:33 UTC 2013

Is the bluetooth icon from the indicator menu not working any more? I 
see a blank menu.

Other than that everything has been smooth sailing (not much has changed 
from my usages so far....)


On 09/25/2013 01:00 AM, Shuhao wrote:
> I have 13.04 on one machine and can test it using that one as I need to
> slowly roll it out over to my main workstation. This would be a perfect
> time.
> Shuhao
> On 09/23/2013 12:18 PM, Pasi Lallinaho wrote:
>> Please note that if you upgrade from an existing installation, it's only
>> counted as an Upgrade test (and even then, only when you upgrade from a
>> previous version, eg. not a previous daily for 13.10).
>> Pasi
>> On 23/09/13 19:00, Richard Elkins wrote:
>>> Of course.  Assuming that you are on Xubuntu 13.04, the following
>>> command line should work fine:
>>>         update-manager -d
>>> I have done this before in past years to migrate up to the NEXT
>>> development release.
>>> Don't do this if you are on a release that is earlier than 13.04. In
>>> such a case, I would search the documentation for the recommended way
>>> of moving to the latest development release (might require multiple
>>> upgrades - be careful).
>>> Richard
>>> On 09/23/2013 10:46 AM, Shuhao Wu wrote:
>>>> Is it possible to upgrade from an existing installation?
>>>> Shuhao
>>>> On 09/23/2013 07:13 AM, Elfy wrote:
>>>>> On 19/09/13 13:28, Elfy wrote:
>>>>>> Hi - as is normal ...
>>>>>> The Final Beta for 13.10 is going to be available for testing shortly
>>>>>> - a more precise URL will follow when I know it.  Just trying to give
>>>>>> people plenty of warning before it actually turns up.
>>>>>> As always any hands that can test for us are warmly encouraged to do
>>>>>> so and thanked.
>>>>>> But for the time being
>>>>>> Elfy
>>>>> Builds are turning up for testing now.
>>>>> Thanks in advance :)
>>>>> Elfy

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