QA Status

Elfy ub.untu at
Sun Sep 15 14:03:33 UTC 2013

I'm going to be missing from the meeting - so I'll update you all via 
the list.

Manual testcases - all the testcases we had bugs for are finished. 
Excellent result.

Which leads neatly to package testing - status of those at present is

Mandatory  -
Run-once   -
Optional     -

Bugs found in those are as follows

Auto testing - continues to be an issue we need to get to the bottom of. 
There has been a bit of talk in the QA circles re getting that to work 
with GTK - check QA blueprint

ISO testing - this is much the same as with the last cycles I've been 
about - not much happens until we ask.

Somehow we're going to need to deal with increasing that - there is an 
effort by QA generally to try and increase the testing numbers for 
flavours - Jackson took that task.

Ubuntu Forum Council Member
Xubuntu QA Lead

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