I like xubuntu its very stable and fast ! I hate ubuntu and unity !

Mike Holstein mikeh789 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 9 16:08:01 UTC 2013

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 6:58 PM, chrisfromgreece at gmail.com <
chrisfromgreece at gmail.com> wrote:

> I like xubuntu its very stable and fast ! I hate ubuntu and unity !
> I don't know what canonical tries to do with unity but i know what i have
> experienced ! .... many bugs , error messages  windows freezing without a
> reason (and staying freezed) , bad performance and many other mysterious
> problems that doesn't happen to other ubuntu derivatives !

xubuntu *is* ubuntu. please direct support question about mainstream
ubuntu/unity at the proprer channels.
https://unity.ubuntu.com/contact-us/might be a good place to start.
canonical funds a lot of the infrastructure
that supplies the xubuntu iso's and hosting costs. glad you are enjoying

> My machine has an 8core amd cpu core 3,5 ghz 8gb ram, one ssd hard drive
> and one mechanical , an amd radeon hd 7770 graphics cards .
> Ubuntu with unity sucks i will not try even to test it again in future
> versions i'm disappointed that much ! Unity is just a loss of time.
> I'm using xubuntu cause i like its simplicity and the fact that it has
> many packages/applications and i can find more online or by adding
> repositories. Its more mainstream and more supported that other distros
> that has less packages and its more difficult to install an application
> cause you need to compile it etc etc....
> Continue the good work !
> --
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mikeholstein.info <http://www.mikeholstein.info/>
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