There are two idea to improve Xubuntu, we need them on 13.04

Joshua O'Leary jmoey139 at
Tue Mar 26 11:35:55 UTC 2013

"Add graphical interface to insert the proxy." that sounds like a good 
idea, something Xubuntu really could do with (both Ubuntu/Kubuntu 
already have GUIs for this). I think the best solution would be to 
integrate this with NetworkManager, though this would require a fair bit 
of work and may conflict with the settings already in place. A simple 
dialog to set the
http_proxy variables may be enough (I might be able to have a go at this 
though might not have the time to do it by the next release). I can see 
what you mean about the files thing, though it isn't to hard to do 
*chmod +x /folder//**, but I suppose this may make things a little easier.

On 24/03/13 10:25, Abderraouf Adjal wrote:
> Hello
> There are two idea to improve Xubuntu
> One:
> at the file managet (thunar) add make all files executable . And not 
> only a particular file type.
> Two:
> Add graphical interface to insert the proxy.
> Greetings from the Linux community Arab.

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