What's expected?

Bruno Benitez gridcube at gmail.com
Wed Jun 26 00:03:02 UTC 2013

Hi Rich, As i said earlier I have already set up a deviantART group that we
can start to use right away. Having it makes managing submissions, licences
and messages easy enough to start. If needed i can create a dummy dA
account for submisions comming from other sources, like the xubuntu-user
mailing list, or any other place.

If you or any other one want to have access to dA's group admin area you
need to ask pleia2 if she says its OK to grant you access ill do it.


Hope we get this working soon!

2013/6/25 Rich Dennis <amerigena at gmail.com>

> Once we're part of this "Desktop of the Week Gallery", what's next?
> Presumably there are going to be submissions - who's monitoring them? And
> from where? From the website? From a specific email address? Details
> please, if they're available. If not, thanks for listening, anyway.
> Rich Dennis - amerigena
> --
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