Proposal: "Desktop of the Week" Gallery

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph lyz at
Sat Jun 15 01:14:02 UTC 2013

On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 6:05 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph
<lyz at> wrote:
> 2. Submission guidelines

I've started putting together submission guidelines here:

Please email me your Google account email address if you wish to have
edit access, I wanted to make sure we have our basic legal bases
covered but I don't actually want to do all of this :)

> 3. At least 2 people who can volunteer to review submissions and
> commit to providing submissions to the web team for putting them up on
> the site in a timely manner.

It sounds like we have a few people interested in participating! Since
GridCube is all ready to accept via deviantART, maybe we start with
that? Please feel free to get together yourselves and see if this will
work, or brainstorm other ideas for submissions.

I'll work with knome to figure out how we want to handle this on itself.

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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