Introducing myself - joining Xubuntu Community

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at
Thu Jul 11 11:52:47 UTC 2013

On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 6:21 AM, Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph
<lyz at>wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) <amjjawad at>
> wrote:
> > 1- Testing
> I'd strongly suggest you start here.

Fine, but I still want to do something else :)

Testing is one of the most interesting things that I'd love to do. Since I
have started with Ubuntu in 2010 until now, testing new things was on the
top of my list. After joining Lubuntu and now I'm willing to join Xubuntu,
my testing became more focused on HOWTO help the team, beside having fun. I
mean, before, I was doing it as a freelancer or someone who just wants to
enjoy exploring new stuff. Now, it is different.

I've done so many testing for Lubuntu and helped a lot when it comes to
make a decision to go for something new or drop something less helpful.
And, I'd like to carry on and help Xubuntu with that as well. That would be
fun and interesting challenge :)

As I'm sure you know from your
> work on Lubuntu, having a solid testing team goes a long way toward
> helping the quality of Xubuntu, which is very important.

No doubt about that :)
However, testing is not everything. When you are dealing with an Operating
System, there are many other tasks beside Testing and IMHO, all of these
tasks are important. As I'm very sure you already know that, for example,
an Operating System with a solid and strong team for documentation with one
or two working on ... say Artwork or testing or spreading the word, etc ...
is not helpful. In order to have a great system, each and every department

1- Be Active
2- Work side by side with other teams/dept.
3- Team Work and Communicaitons within the team and the outside (users).
4- Have a plan and be open to any suggestion feedback, specially from users
5- etc

You can say, this is my point of view when it comes to an Operating System

> We had to drop the alternate CD after 12.04 due to lack of testers

Yes, I'm aware of that.

> and while we've been improving (particularly now that we have a testing
> lead!)
> we still need a lot more people committed to doing testing throughout
> the cycle.

Agreed and that is why, I am here and I can help you NOT only with testing,
but bring more testers for you :)

> This need will only increase as we get better at QA and
> write more manual test cases. Plus, Elfy is very friendly, helpful and
> great to work with :)

It is true that I've been testing Lubuntu previously for two years, but I
have never written any test case. I was willing to get into that this
cycle. I used to jump in and help with testing starting from Beta1 but this
cycle, I have started from day 1 with pre alpha release.

> A call for help writing manual test cases was just sent out last week,
> so may be worth a look if you haven't seen it and are looking for
> something other than straight iso testing to do:
Yes, that is what I was talking about - "straight ISO testing".
Is this useless or less helpful?
I know test cases is important, Phill has explained that to me 2 weeks ago
(I guess) and I'm aware it is more helpful to have test cases, etc but I
have never done it before. I do straight testing and send my report to the
mailing list.

Example (latest testing):

So, to make it simple and short, is this kind of testing helpful for you as
Xubuntu Team? or less helpful? or not helpful at all?

And by the way:
1- Testing
2- Communications (Social Networks) /Spread the word
3- Help with general discussion over the mailing list, etc.

When I wrote this, I have selected these 3 tasks carefully. My style in
contribution is, I work on different area at once but each contribution
will be helpful for the other area as well. They work in conjunction  with
each other.
For example, when I used to do testing, I was also bring more testers in
the process and was also spreading the word of the project in the process
and was involved activity to decide/vote some new features, etc. For
example, when Lubuntu decided to drop Chromium and go for Firefox, as every
other active member did, I helped to make that decision and voted.

So, to summarize everything: I am not the kind of guy who do one task only.
I'm just trying to be extra clear here, since we are in the process of
getting to know each other :)

I have made a word to Pasi that I will take it easy and not overdoing it
(just like what I've done with Lubuntu - doing tons of things at the same
time) but I have made myself clear. These 3 tasks above are what I'm
looking forward to contribute with Xubuntu Team. And ... who knows? maybe
in the future, I can help with other areas as well.

By the way, from time to time, I do not mind at all to do some Wiki Edit.
That won't kill me after all and will help the community.

The reason I'm here is because of this:

Everyone can participate in the Xubuntu community on many levels, from
simply giving advice to fellow Xubuntu users to becoming a maintainer of
core packages. Any contribution, even the smallest one, is valued. We
welcome everybody to improve Xubuntu and spread Free Software.

Thank you :)


"All of us are smarter than any one of us."

*Best Regards,*
*amjjawad <>*
*Start Ubuntu<>
*My Own Business <>*
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