For the website team - Official logo usage

Bunz Karsten KBunz at
Mon Jul 8 13:39:35 UTC 2013

Dear Sirs and Madams,

as a journalist of Germanys most successful monthly PC-magazine CHIP I am currently researching content for the enclosed DVD. I would like to offer our readers Your free software "Xubuntu" (if possible including upcoming versions) and distribute it as an additional service on any future CD/DVD, ISO-download and via CHIP-App-Tablet edition. Though "Power 8" is licensed under GNU GPL, I would  like to inform you about the publication of Your Software.

Of course we will credit you and your web presence as the owner of rights.

Feel free to contact me if you have further questions.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards from Munich,
Karsten Bunz

Karsten Bunz
Projektmanager Multimedia

Tel  +49 89 74642-156
Fax +49 89 74642-274
E-Mail KBunz at<mailto:KBunz at><>

CHIP Communications GmbH
Poccistr. 11
80336 München

Geschäftsführung: Thomas Pyczak (CEO), Dr. Roman Miserre (CFO), Thomas Koelzer (CTO)
Handelsregister: Registergericht München, HRB 136 615
Ein Unternehmen der Hubert Burda Media

Das Magazin für digitale Technik, Test und Trends
erreicht laut ma 2013/I 1,71 Mio. Leser pro Ausgabe.

CHIP - Mein digitales Ich

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