Articles needed for a special edition of a magazine about Ubuntu Flavors

Shawn Nguyen shavvnnnguyen at
Sat Feb 23 22:24:38 UTC 2013

Hi Elizabeth!

As a long time Xubuntu user, I'd love to contribute! I don't have any
specific topics in mind yet, but I have no problems talking about
configurations xubuntu to fit a user's daily needs. I could also give some
input on the intuitive UI of xfce...let me know!


On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz at> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> We were recently approached by Sonny Gaviola who is seeking to publish
> a special edition of their magazine and writes: "I have an idea to
> make a special part (with its own layout) of this issue, devoted to
> Xubuntu. It would be a guide for people already familiar with Linux,
> and trying to choose proper distribution for their needs. We could
> show Xubuntu advantages and greatest application working in Xfce
> environment."
> Since it's targeted at existing users, he explained that articles can
> be "from installation and configuration, through applications
> presentations up to advanced issues (like performance tuning and
> security)."
> Contributors will be paid a small per page fee and also a free copy of
> the magazine once it's released.
> Please let me know if you're interested in contributing (or have any
> questions) and a topic you wish to cover so I can pass along a list of
> article proposals to Sonny by March 5th. Articles are due on April 15,
> so I'll ask that you get them to me by April 5th so I can review them.
> Release date for the magazine itself is 25th of April.
> --
> Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2
> --
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