What do you want to specifically test for 12.04.2?

Ho Wan Chan smartboyhw at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 04:56:20 UTC 2013

Dear Xubuntu developers,

I noticed that there haven't been a testing annoucement for 12.04.2 so I
asked pleia2 and she told me to help write one.

The problem is: I don't know much about the new things since the release of
12.04.1. So can you tell me about it?

Also I remember in 12.04.1 we don't have enough testers for the alternate
images and that I had to test it at the final moments before release. So
should I specifically ask for testers to test the alternate images?

I have a draft here http://pad.ubuntu.com/n9Ntd8GW4z for you to edit the
annoucement. Freely edit it:)

smartboyhw (Howard Chan)
>From the Ubuntu Community QA Team
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