Menulibre, Mugshot, Catfish, Parole, LightDM GTK+ Greeter Status

Sean Davis smd.seandavis at
Fri Dec 13 11:29:41 UTC 2013

Hey Jackson,

Neither package are really debian-ready at this point.  I started both 
using quickly in Ubuntu, which really makes for some bad packaging.  
Ideally I'll have mugshot ready to package soon.

What needs to be done to become a member of the PAPT?

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 11:41 PM, Jackson Doak <noskcaj at> 
> Would you like me to package mugshot (o menulibre) for debian? I'm 
> sure the PAPT guys would be fine with it being added.
> Speaking of which, would you mind joining the PAPT so you can help 
> maintain catfish in debian? I'm probably going to do something wrong 
> eventually.
> On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 1:06 PM, Sean Davis <smd.seandavis at> 
> wrote:
>> Hey everyone!
>> I missed the meeting today, but here's a summary of where I am at 
>> with each of my items (feel free to add anything I missed).
>> === Menulibre(2) ===
>> The rewrite/restructure of MenuLibre has been moving along quite 
>> well. The application does not currently do any editing, but the 
>> majority of that code is going to be imported from the original. It 
>> does read the current menu structure correctly and I'm working on 
>> being able to also write that menu structure. The interface is also 
>> pretty much complete, unless there are suggestions or concerns...
>> Summary:
>> * Interface is complete
>> * Menus and menu items are correctly read and processed
>> * Menu editing is under way
>> * Once complete, get it packaged and uploaded to debian
>> === Mugshot ===
>> There is not a terrible lot that needs to be done for mugshot. I 
>> need to do some debugging however, as the camera portion of the 
>> application seems a bit flaky on my new laptop.
>> Summary:
>> * Figure out camera woes
>> * Remove yelp dependency, get rid of help button
>> * Get packaged and uploaded to debian (hopefully with Noskcaj's help)
>> === Catfish ===
>> There are some outstanding bugs in the 13.04 and 13.10 versions, 
>> I'll be addressing those soon. Additionally, there are some new 
>> debian bugs which I also hope to address shortly and the fixes will 
>> roll back into trusty.
>> Bugs:
>> * LP #1258713: [NEW] Catfish crashing with gi._glib.GError: Icon 
>> 'camera-photo' not present in theme
>> * Debian #731363: catfish: depends on locate undocumented and 
>> without favoring mlocate
>> === Parole Media Player ===
>> Simon and I have finished the GTK3 port, and have been working with 
>> other contributors on a new MPRIS2 plugin. There is still the 
>> outstanding issue of packaging in Ubuntu that makes the plugins not 
>> work, we'll need to investigate. The last time I checked, the 
>> packaging was working correctly in debian.
>> Summary:
>> * New GTK3 version
>> * New MPRIS2 plugin
>> * 0.5.91 to be released this weekend
>> * Plugin packaging to be investigated
>> === LightDM GTK+ Greeter ===
>> We've had a new contributor to the greeter, adding lots of fixes and 
>> new functionality. We'll be doing the first development release this 
>> cycle shortly, and we're going to need significant testing for all 
>> the new things we've added. I'll be extending the 
>> lightdm-gtk-greeter PPA with trusty builds sometime in the next few 
>> days.
>> Summary:
>> * New contributor adding lots of fixes and new features
>> * Trusty packages coming to the PPA shortly
>> Let me know if there are any questions or concerns.
>> Thanks!
>> Sean (bluesabre)
>> --
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