Flavors plenary @ UDS

Jorge O. Castro jorge at ubuntu.com
Mon Oct 22 21:41:36 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

Sorry to spam all of your devel lists at once, but after the little
updates from all the Ubuntu flavors last Ubuntu Developer Summit we'd
like to repeat it again.  If your flavor wants to do a "Here's what's
going on in foo" summary for UDS please do the following:

1. Identify the person who will physically be there on Wednesday to
represent your flavor.
2. Have this person contact me (jorge at ubuntu.com) so I know your
flavor is covered.
3. This person needs to provide slides to me (Jorge Castro) at least
30 minutes prior so we can put them on the projector for you.
3. Show up 15 minutes prior to the plenary so I can line you up so
when we start we give each person the most amount of time talking
about their flavor.

And that should be it. If your flavor isn't being represented at UDS
please let me know and we can figure something out. Thanks!

Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd.

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