Xubuntu community meetings

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at shimmerproject.org
Thu May 17 19:17:47 UTC 2012

Hello people,

I've set up a Doodle poll [1] to find the best meeting times for the
Quantal cycle.

A few things to note before you go adding your info:
 * All times are in UTC
 * Xubuntu team members, please add your nick or name along with your
submission, because you being able to attend is most important
 * Please add any time slots that *usually* work for you (Doodle only
allows specific dates to be set, but we'll be using the same times for
the whole cycle)
 * Doodle starts the week with Sunday, so be careful with your submission!

And finally,
 * All times are in UTC

Cheers and GO!

[1] http://www.doodle.com/6gifbcka8fzvrzz9

Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                      » http://open.knome.fi/
Leader of Xubuntu and Shimmer Project       » http://shimmerproject.org/
Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  » http://xubuntu.org/

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