Changes in chairing the meetings
Pasi Lallinaho
pasi at
Mon Jun 4 13:19:14 UTC 2012
the new proposed Strategy Document will have the Xubuntu meetings
described more thoroughly. One of the things I'm introducing concerns
chairing the meetings. This is what the relevant section says:
" The community meetings are held in #xubuntu-devel and usually
chaired by the project lead. When the project lead is not available, any
other team lead can chair the meeting as well. If no team leads are
available, the rest of the attendees are encouraged to have an informal
meeting and inform the Xubuntu team of any discussion had. "
This means that it's encouraged that the team leads [1] chair a meeting
when the project lead is not available. In the case that the project
leader or any team leads are not available, the meeting should still
take place as an informal meeting. After such meeting, the main points
of the discussion should be sent to the Xubuntu-devel mailing list [2].
This change will take place after the first meeting scheduled next week.
Pasi Lallinaho (knome) »
Leader of Shimmer Project and Xubuntu »
Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member »
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