Xubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin | Replace Thunderbird with Sylpheed?

Eero Tamminen oak at helsinkinet.fi
Sun Nov 6 22:11:54 UTC 2011


On sunnuntai 06 marraskuu 2011, rYv3N wrote:
> The package size alone is win for me. As well as memory use. I feel
> thunderbird is very memory intense I actually use evolution, its alirght.

"Feel" is completely inadequate when it comes to memory usage.

You need to have actual numbers from both of the programs when
they showing same amount of content, with similar options
(POP vs. IMAP, number of accounts, folders etc).

I'm fairly sure Thunderbird initial memory usage is larger because
it's more portable and therefore re-implements things that Sylpheed
uses from the OS.  However, more significant is how well they scale
when the amount of mail increase.

And as stated by others, besides size, there are other significant
factors like maturity/stability, performance, security/support, how
well program is localized and in general how easy to use it is.

	- Eero

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