Xubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin | Replace Thunderbird with Sylpheed?

Glenn de Groot glenn_de_groot at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 6 11:28:50 UTC 2011

Hello everyone, I would like to start a discussion about the default mail client in Xubuntu.I would love to see Sylpheed as the default mail client in 12.04 for a couple of reasons.
1. Thunderbird properties in Synaptic: 39.8 MB    Sylpheed properties in Synaptic: 2040 KB
2. Thunderbird doesn´t look very integrated on Linux, Sylpheed is really build for GTK.
3. Other lightweight distro´s (like Lubuntu) also ship Sylpheed, Claws, Balsa and similar.
4. Sylpheed uses 5 MB (fully setup with Hotmail), Thunderbirds uses much, much more.
Let´s discuss. :)
-Glenn de Groot 		 	   		  
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