Ideas for Xubuntu Oneiric Ocelot

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at
Sun Jun 5 19:27:07 UTC 2011

On 06/04/2011 05:48 PM, Maik Adamietz wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 3:15 AM, Charlie Kravetz
> <cjk at <mailto:cjk at>> wrote:
>     Any other ideas we might want to pursue?
> Is it possible to include a small cd import/ripping tool like Asunder
> (which works great in and is recommended for Xfce) in the upcoming
> 11.10 release? gMusicbrowser, which i still try to figure out and
> think is great, can't import cd so it would be nice to have such a
> tool on board OOTB.

gmusicbrowser *can* point to an app which can rip a CD. Go to the
settings menu from the right top button, then select tab "Plugins" and
enable "rip".

Afaik, sound-juicer should be installed by default. (Charlie? Lionel?)

On my own experience sound-juicer can't, for some reason, recognize most
of the discs any more.

On the other hand, the version of asunder in Natty doesn't have the
option to input a *year* for the album (only automatic D/L from cdbs
server adds the year, and that fails badly if the album is not on cdbs,
and you get an another album info or no album info at all (year 0),
which is again more work for you, even if the ripper *really* should
handle that). I read that this has been fixed in later versions. The
other thing I don't like about Asunder is that it *forces* a genre for
an album.

> Just an idea.
> -- 
> Maik
> [URL=]W.A.T.G.[/URL
> <>]
Pasi Lallinaho                              »
Leader of the Shimmer Project               »
Webdesigner, graphic artist, Ubuntu member  » IRC: knome @ freenode

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