Xubuntu Community Meeting 2010-11-18 minutes
Charlie Kravetz
cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Thu Nov 18 23:35:11 UTC 2010
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The Xubuntu Community held an open meeting on 2010-11-18. These are the
minutes of that meeting.
== Team Reports ==
Technical -
* inclusion of Xfce 4.7.x is in progress
* almost all 4.8 core libs are already there
* most applications will remain the same as they were in Xubuntu
* Xubuntu will not be moving to GTK3 for Natty
o what happens will also affect QIMO project
* moving the website to wordpress is not going to happen unless
someone wants to pick it up.
* Try to update the documentation to Natty. We are behind a couple
of releases already.
Bugs and Testing
* Bugs and Testing: We are working to triage bugs as they come in.
We are getting hit pretty hard on abiword right now
* Need to send the Abiword bugs upstream
* Testing will be ongoing, with the changes in Natty for Ubuntu, we
need to try and test every day or two.
* Charlie is running Natty, upgraded from Maverick
* we are looking at replacing the elementary icon theme with faenza
o http://shimmerproject.org/hg/faenza-xfce
* Thorsten Wilms from the Community Artwork Team attended.
o Thorsten will work with us and Saleel to develop a good set
of specifications for Xubuntu Artwork.
o https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/Request-7 is not a
valid spec at this time.
== New Business ==
Charlie would like a new display manager for Xubuntu. LightDM was
discussed and will need to be investigated.
=== Meeting Schedule ===
A vote was taken on when to hold meetings; the Xubuntu Community
Meetings will be held weekly on Thursday at 19:00 UTC.
== Xubuntu Governance ==
* We need to decide on a permanent Project Lead. Charlie is an
interim Xubuntu Project Lead.
* charlie-tca will send an email to the mailing lists for
submissions for Project Lead. We need to work this so we can then
work towards a council-based approach.
== Old Business ==
Xubuntu Governance
* The governancy part of the current Strategy Document can be found
at Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#Xubuntu Governance & Team Structure
* The Xubuntu project will advance towards a Council-based
governance approach.
The Xubuntu Council
* The Council size should be 5 members, with one of them being the
* PL will have a vote in every voting in the Council, not just as a
* The 4 members in the Council in addition to the PL should be
selected by the existing Xubuntu Contributors.
* The appropriate Team Lead can be the tiebreaker in a vote, but
only if PL is absent.
* The council should *aim* to have balanced membership across the
different aspects/teams of Xubuntu.
* The council should be named/selected after every LTS release.
Thus, every season lasts for 2 years.
== Action items for the next meeting ==
* charlie-tca to get with thorwil and Saleel about artwork specs by
* Find out more information about LightDM
* follow up with xfce devs on display managers
- - --
Charlie Kravetz
Xubuntu Interim Project Lead
Linux Registered User Number 425914 [http://counter.li.org/]
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