Maverick artwork

Lionel Le Folgoc mrpouit at
Sun Jun 20 15:41:58 UTC 2010

Hi there,

A quick mail to remind you that, according to [0], the user interface
freeze for maverick is in about two months. It would be great if the
artwork could be ready for this milestone, to get enough testing with
the beta (we're usually very late with the artwork, so we should try to
improve that ;). There is also the inclusion of the new brandmark (and
logo) [1] that was not done on time for lucid…

So, has someone started working on this (maybe someone already contacted
Charlie)? Or is someone willing to take the artwork lead? :)



[0] <>
[1] <>

Lionel Le Folgoc -
E61E 116D 4BA1 3936 0A33  F61D 65D9 A66E 10E2 969A
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