Slow Shutdown when Network Mgr closes before CIFS unmounted

David Collins david.8.collins at
Thu Jan 21 10:27:27 UTC 2010

FYI, I worked out a fix for this problem in Xubuntu.
This works for me with both a shutdown and restart using the GUI.

# Rename the executable that is called when shutting down or rebooting.
cd /usr/sbin
sudo mv xfsm-shutdown-helper xfsm-shutdown-helper-orig

# Replace the executable with a script.
gksu mousepad xfsm-shutdown-helper
Create these lines in the new file ..
   # XFCE shutting down - close network connections.
   # THEN call the original executable.

# Make the new script executable.
sudo chmod +x xfsm-shutdown-helper

# Check the permissions.
/usr/sbin# ls -al xf*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  152 2010-01-21 21:03 xfsm-shutdown-helper
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5588 2009-09-19 20:30 xfsm-shutdown-helper-orig
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