Replacing Firefox with Google Chrome

Alexander Blomen info at
Thu Jan 14 08:55:05 UTC 2010


I have 2 points from a webdeveloper's point of view about chrom[e|ium].
At this time google uses the heavily patented H.264 codec for HTML5 
video tags (and for this it depends on ffmpeg btw).
Firefox uses ogg/theora, which in my point of view, is much better for 
the web and the open source community as a whole.

It also does not jet support the css @font-face tag by default for 
embedding fonts in websites, while this might be only a problem for 
webdevelopers, it does force you to make the choice between flash (which 
is bad, mkay) or just ignoring chrome users (which from a design 
standpoint is not really an option).

So while I agree that chrome is much and much faster, and v8 is a great 
javascript engine, these are things that IMHO at the end of the day make 
an impact on everyone using the web and especially the ones that prefer 
FOSS to propertary, patented or any other form of non-free software.

Just my 2 cents.


On 01/14/2010 09:18 AM, Marcos wrote:
> Hi!
> I vote for Chromium, not Chrome.
> But Chromium and Chrome has a important problem: I can't localize to
> my language.
> Only the languages that they choose, can enter in Chromium/Chrome.
> You can read more here:
> Marked as "Won't fix" :( I think is contrary to the free software.
> Chromium/Chrome isn't integrated with the system, with "special"
> menus, they not use the Guide of Usability :(
> Best regards.
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 9:46 PM, Vincent<mailinglists at>  wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 7:43 PM, Jim Campbell<jwcampbell at>  wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Kaspar Kööp<meborc at>  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Just to clarify... are we talking about google chrome, or chromium? As i
>>>> understand they are 2 different things.
>>>> Since LL will be a LTS release, maybe we shouldn't include beta software.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Kaspar
>>> It looks like the mobile team is considering Chromium, so we would go with
>>> what they choose.
>>> With regards to the beta status, keep in mind that Ubuntu included betas
>>> for Firefox 3.0 in the Hardy Heron release because they knew that it was
>>> advantageous to them, the betas were stable enough for initial use, and they
>>> knew that the 3.0 release would be well-supported well throughout the 8.04
>>> LTS life cycle.  Because the mobile team is going to include Chromium, we
>>> can know that it will receive updates throughout the 10.04 LTS life cycle,
>>> too.
>> I'm definitely not opposed to including Chromium per se, but I am when it
>> comes to Lucid. Though the support argument may be valid, I think it
>> requires more testing and doesn't have enough guarantees to work for an LTS
>> release. It doesn't just mean Chromium should work, it also means that other
>> applications should work with it. I can imagine there being applications
>> having opening in Firefox hardcoded due to it being the de facto standard. I
>> recall that switching browsers for me did cause some additional problems.
>> Not unovercomeable (that's not a word, is it?), but not worth doing in an
>> LTS release. It should just work. For any application people install.
>> Also, there are additional issues, such as UI consistency. I think it
>> definitely warrants a thorough evaluation that could be started already, but
>> should IMHO not be put into action in this cycle (if there even would be
>> time for that, which I doubt).
>>> Jim
>> Best,
>> --
>> Vincent
>> --
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